Author L.J. Hachmeister has made an impressive run building her literary science-fiction series with The Triorion Universe. Her latest installment will be available at Denver Pop Culture Con this weekend. We sat down to talk about her writing career, learn about her journey as an author and what's in store in her next works and stepping outside of Triorion in the near future.
When did you first get bit by the “writing bug?”
Oh, gosh; I don’t think I’ve known a moment without it. Some of my earliest childhood memories was crawling up onto my Dad’s desk chair and trying to type on his old typewriter. However, I didn’t get serious about pursuing a writing career until around 2014 when I attended MalCon and met my future editor, Vivian Caethe.
Your biggest series is Triorion, where did the idea come for the series?
This is completely nerdy and goofy, but I when I was a little kid, I wanted to imagine myself as heroes that I created, not ones derived from popular movies or books. The night I came up with the first version of “Triorion” is still quite vivid to me: I was around eight years old, and I said, “I’m going to make my own universe.” Of course, the first several iterations were appropriate for a young kid -- and impossibly awesome superhero and her friends, but as I got older, and I struggled with normal life stuff and some tough coming-out issues, I wound my experiences into the lives of my characters. I preferred heroes who were flawed and wrestled with fierce inner demons, yet kept fighting for good. I didn’t realize how much the series paralleled my own life until I published the fourth book and looked back to the growth and development of the characters.
What made you want to keep returning to the characters?
I had to tell their story. Also, finishing the first part of the series (book four, “Triorion: Reborn - Part II”) helped me sort out my own goals and heal old wounds.
When did you decide it was time to explore other parts of the universe with Blue Sky Tomorrows?
I have been holding off publishing book five, “Triorion: Nemesis,” for years due to other conflicting projects, but I wanted to give Triorion fans something new. At the same time, I’ve been growing tired of the traditional superheroes; I wanted a protagonist that wasn’t the best, the brightest or had amazing powers, but had a good soul and a lot of grit. That’s how Cam, the main character of “Blue Sky Tomorrows,” was born. I’d also been contemplating how much of an impact each one of us has on the world, and I think it’s important to remember that the smallest act of kindness and thought really does matter on the grand scale. I also wanted to show how Jahx, one of the triplets that ends up saving the universe, got his inspiration.
What’s next for your writing? Will you explore more within the Triorion Universe?
I’m currently writing my tenth novel, “Corbyn Black: The Demon’s Kiss.” Think “Twilight” meets “Booksmart” and “Riverdale.” It’s a fun but scary supernatural/YA urban fantasy novel that goes against most teen romance and adventure tropes. All of my work is tied into one universe, but I can’t say much else without spoilers!
When people read a book written by you, what do you hope sticks with them more than anything?
Certainly the characters, but most importantly, that there’s always hope, and that you should never give up fighting for what you believe in.